by Will Dukes | Nov 22, 2022 | I - SalesPartners Florida, Marketing & Sales
A great farmer bought a field, worked it diligently, and made it produce abundantly. He then bought another field, worked it partially, and cursed it, because it did not produce abundantly. In education, there’s a concept called “The Curse of...
by Will Dukes | Nov 21, 2022 | I - SalesPartners Florida, Marketing & Sales
This is a commonly held sentiment by some participants in our workshop “Intriguing Introductions.” The key lesson is that we should focus on how we introduce ourselves and the problems we are trying to solve. But what about when you have solutions to a lot...
by Will Dukes | Nov 17, 2022 | I - SalesPartners Florida, Marketing & Sales
When you hear about “drip campaigns” and “nurture sequences,” this is literally where those names come from. That black tube in the picture running under the plastic mulch. The pump in the field’s well kicks on to send water down all...
by Will Dukes | Nov 16, 2022 | I - SalesPartners Florida, Marketing & Sales
I see people post in groups quite often, “Does __________ (some kind of marketing tactic) really work?” What they’re really getting at is the fact that they saw some kind of marketing – an ad, a sales letter, a promo item – and it,...
by Will Dukes | Nov 15, 2022 | I - SalesPartners Florida, Marketing & Sales
Hurricanes are funny things for farmers. Generally, they are to be avoided. Wind and sand spray are not good for crops. Nor feet of rain at a time. But sometimes, it can be exactly what’s needed. There were times growing up I would remember it being so dry, that...