When you hear about “drip campaigns” and “nurture sequences,” this is literally where those names come from. That black tube in the picture running under the plastic mulch.
The pump in the field’s well kicks on to send water down all those little tubes to the thousands of emitters that each allow a drip of water out every few seconds.
But this requires the right amount of pressure.
Try to irrigate too much of an area, and you have the classic problem of “spreading yourself too thin.” There’s not enough pressure to drive drips evenly everywhere.
When we think about cultivating our opportunities, this is often what happens. We get tied up in so many things that we don’t follow up, and those potential sales wither and die.
However, we can also have too much pressure. My sister’s pumpkin patch is the only thing in the field that needs watering at the moment. If she tries to run those couple of acres off the pump made to water the whole field, it creates problems.
The drip hose can rupture. More often the connections to the main line blow out, causing a huge leak that kills pressure everywhere else. All the water flows out, but none actually waters the plants.
When you aren’t cultivating enough opportunities, you might put a little too much pressure on them. Following up a little too hard.
This can dilute your messaging, have people block you, blacklist your domain, file complaints… all sorts of things that cut them off.
And then all that effort is going nowhere.
By all means, put a lot of effort into cultivating your opportunities.
Most people don’t do enough.
Just remember that too much not only wastes your efforts but can also do the exact opposite of what you want.