That’s not a speck of dust – It’s a mustard seed.
I took it from a pod at the top of a 6ft stalk that bolted from one of the mustard plants we had in the garden before we put in the Spring planting.
It’s been said with this much faith you can move mountains.
And while I usually analogize planting seeds with marketing your unique offer, the biggest act of faith in business is actually branding.
Putting all that work and all those resources into building trust and credibility that, in and of itself, will not yield anything.
You can prepare the soil all you want, but nothing will grow until you plant a seed.
But we prepare the soil anyway because we believe it will increase yields from the seeds we do plant.
It is an act of faith.
It’s not just a belief and understanding that building a brand will generate bigger yields.
Faith is an assurance. A conviction.
A belief that leads to action with confidence in an outcome.
We live in a world where most everything can be tracked. Impressions, click-through rates, conversion attribution…
We want guarantees of success.
And while these are important things to track, they can’t get us started.
That requires faith.
But that doesn’t mean it has to be blind faith.
Just like the fertility of the soil is built, so is faith.
Little by little, intentional act after intentional act.
Over time, our experience informs that assurance.
We better understand what our clients want and need. We understand the pain they’re going through.
Not because of some numbers on a board, but because of our empathy and service.
You may not need to put up billboards and launch massive brand awareness campaigns.
But those things you think about… the things you know that would elevate your level of service, your deep understanding of your client’s frustrations and unmet desires, your ability to solve their problems in a way others can’t…
That’s your brand. That’s what you need to share.
It may not result in an immediate spike in sales.
It may (will) take longer than you imagine.
But it will improve your returns and the quality of your business.
And you already know it.
You just need the conviction to act.
You just need a little faith.
#preparethesoil #clientcultivation