Contrary to what you may have heard, business owners are not sales people.

Todays haul from the pepper patch.

Now what to with it?

Salsa.  Mild, medium, and hot, and WTF.  When the Scorpion and Ghost come in, I can make the GTFOH.

But whatever we make, I have to do something with them. If I leave ’em in the bowl, they’ll rot.

A salesperson harvest the sale and moves on to the next.  They may get involved in keeping their opportunities healthy, but rarely do they get involved in what gets made.

A business owner has to be able to harvest, but then also do something with that sale.

Deliver on promises, reinvest in the business.

Salespeople often get frustrated when operations slows down their sales process.

But it’s important to realize the business doesnt exist to close sales.

That’s just a necessary step in the higher objective.
