Who are the worms in your branding?

We think about our brands as reflections of us – our core values, our unique positioning.

The value we offer to build the familiarity, trust, and credibility with the clients we want to serve.

And while that’s true, it’s important to remember that our brands, and our businesses, are not there to serve us alone.

They aren’t even there to serve just our clients.

There is a whole ecosystem of value creation.

There are people in that ecosystem that may not be your clients, but they still help things grow.

You can prepare the soil without worms, but they make it far richer and more fertile.

Who are those people in your environment?

Folks behind the scenes, giving you feedback, spreading your message, helping the seeds of the offer your plant take root and flourish?

And while it may not be the most flattering to think of those folks as worms, they may be some of the most vital parts of your Client Cultivation™ strategy.

Don’t discount the worms.

You might even think of how you can nurture them directly.
