Sure, they could indeed be that elusive category of one.

Have some patents on a truly novel product.

Have no direct competitors.

But there is always competition.

Seed companies are always coming out with new varieties.

Sweet corn, for example…

“There is no one else that offers this variety! It’s sweeter, faster growing, takes less fertilizer and water, it’s more resistant to pests, etc. etc.”

It may even be genetically enhanced, and they have a patent on a certain trait.

That variety may have exactly 0 direct competitors.

But there are plenty of other varieties. Indirect competitors, we can grow.

And there are plenty of people that can stick with the status quo. They may not even like corn.

You have to differentiate. People want to know, “Why should I choose you?”

But don’t forget to differentiate against the many alternative options, including the option to do nothing.

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